1 | 3-phase curret-voltage injection set | General Purpose |
2 | 3-phase Variac | General Purpose |
3 | 4-phase voltage 6-phase current relay test set | Secondary |
4 | A.C/D.C Power source | Primary & Secondary |
5 | Electric-current cables | Primary |
6 | Avometers | General Purpose |
7 | Low resistance Ohmmeter | Primary |
8 | Portable 3-phase standart meter/Phantom generator | Secondary |
9 | Phase angle meter | Secondary |
10 | Phase Shifter | Secondary |
11 | Phase sequence indicator | Secondary |
12 | Insulation-dielectric loss factor | Primary |
13 | Circuit-breaker analyzer | Primary |
14 | Circuit-breaker opening-closing time mesurement | Primary |
15 | Circuit-breaker contact resistance measuring device (100A) | Primary |
16 | Multimeters | General Purpose |
17 | Pensammeters | General Purpose |
18 | Portable Generator | General Purpose |
19 | Single-phase relay test set | Secondary |
20 | Impedance measurement of grid grounding system by injecting current method. | Primary |
21 | SF6 gas refilling and evacuating device | General Purpose |
22 | 1-phase Variac | General Purpose |
23 | Earth tester and hand crancked | Primary |
24 | Transformer | Primary |
25 | Transformer turns ratio test equipment with aux.transformer. | Primary |
26 | Voltmeters | General Purpose |
27 | Fully automatic Dielectric Strength oil tester | Primary |
28 | High voltage devices | Primary |
29 | High voltage resonance device | Primary |